
           Download your Free eReport
You Should Consider  when  Maintaining Your Computer
          Security and Protecting Your  Personal Safety " 

Help! I think we have another Virus.

 Greetings Loyal Subscribers

Good Advice and Useful Tips can serve to make us more alert to dangerous conditions, heighten our watchfulness and prepare us to take appropriate action.

When these alerts are offered to help avoid existing threats to our peace of mind, safety, and security, they can be considered 'Critical Security Alerts'.

  This FREE eReport is offered to help all of our friends avoid Virus Grief, Hacker Intrusions, Spyware infestations, Hijacked Computers, Identity Theft, and worse.

Using these 23 Critical Security Alerts (suggestions and advice) may not make you completely immune to the cyber crooks and malcontents, but they will certainly minimize the potential trouble lurking out there in the Cyber Jungle.

Unfortunately, no one can guarantee full immunity to the cyber threats, and we can't either.

23 CRITICAL ALERTS You Should Consider  when Maintaining Your Computer Security and Protecting Your
  Personal Safety " 
(Save this Zipped file to your desktop)
Open it with Winzip


  Many of these Alerts result from my personal experience in recovering from Virus Infections, Trojan Horse implanted Worms, and Browser Hijackings.

  They are offered here to enhance your "Security Awareness". I sincerely hope similar mishaps never happen to you and that these Critical Alerts help you avoid them.
  The purpose of our "Internet Security Awareness Campaign" is to provide easy to understand quality information about avoiding the many cyber threats lurking on the Internet.

  Are you among the "Ageless Internet Users", who might be uncertain about what to do next ? (Ageless in our book is the group from toddler to forever)
  You can help yourself, your family and your friends by sharing these 23 Critical Security Alerts, either individually or as the complete eReport. Copy and send as eMail, post in newsletters and use as references; use however you wish. I hope that you use our critical alerts to help others, too
Please use each one of the Critical Security Alerts in it's entirety without changes to the text or links and add this address of our website
                 Thank you.


                 It's your security, well being, and privacy.
    These resources are published to help you protect them

The 'Firewalls-and-Virus Protection" website is loaded with sources of FREE security tools, definitions and discussions explaining nearly all of the 'security' terms and basics you'll come across, articles, and tips on protecting your Personal Identity from theft, etc.

The FREE monthly "Security Alert News Reporter" newsletter covers updates on recent virus threats and how to remove them, available FREE eBooks and Reports on Family and Child Safe websites, progress by various authorities and organizations in removing and controlling  SPAM and Spyware, and much more. (You can subscribe from each one of these Resources)

The "Security Alert Blog"* includes our timely updates and comments, weekly and sometimes daily, on important trends, Security Alerts, and generally helpful information and advice. It also provides an opportunity for visitors to make comments, ask questions and critique our postings.

And thanks again for being a Loyal Subscriber
                                                                ........ Richard Rossbauer 

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