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Avoid Virus Grief

  Opening e-mail and surfing the web is like going to the mall late at night alone

Serious Virus Infection !

A Few 'Being Safe' Tips
                                              Bea Kunz, Guest Author                       

"I have repeated this so many times that my friends and family are starting to run when they see me coming". Bea Kunz

 But honestly, opening e-mail and surfing the web is like going to the mall late at night alone. You have to be so aware of your surroundings. Take nothing for granted, look carefully before opening an email. Never ever open attachments unless you are 100% sure of the source.

 Be careful with group mailings, this is a great way to pick up viruses. If you are part of a forum or chat room circle, make certain there are guidelines about your personal information. It's easy to start feeling that you know someone after having a few conversations about something you have in common. Please don't forget that you really do not know with whom you are talking. Common sense plays a big part in being safe. If you don't know it, don't mess with it.

If it looks/sounds too good to be true. It is.

 Another good point: Educate yourself as much as you can about your computer and how it works. If it is worth having and dealing with, then spend some time learning about what you have and what it can and will do.

 There are many wonderful sites (free) that will supply you with all you need to protect yourself from those that are out to do harm. You can start with this one. Ton's of good stuff here! Just remember, keep your eyes open and your feelers out. Safe surfing is so much fun.

Bea Kunz

  Bea Kunz ,
is a free lance writer   etc                                                                         
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Richard started his "Firewalls and Virus Protection" website and "Security Alert News Reporter" to help everyday Internet users navigate safely through the Cyber Space that has become a 'Cyber Jungle', loaded with ambushes and booby traps. He promotes his "Computer Security Awareness Campaign" thru his website at

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News Reporter” at our website and get your free copy of the eReport:

        23 Critical Alerts You Should Consider when Maintaining Your Computer Security
                                     and Protecting Your Personal Safety

Please try to visit where many of the issues mentioned in this brief article are addressed in greater detail.  A few minutes browsing there now might save you many hours of agony and grief later.

Thank you.

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